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Bootstrap 5

Bootstrap is a free front end framework by which we can develop our website very fastly. It is used to make responsive sites, by which your website will behave differently in different-different screens. It just gives you more ease because just to design your website you need to write code more in HTML and CSS but here it is having predefined class where you just need to defined these class rather than writing much stuff in your source code.

Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 5

  • Bootstrap 4 relies on jQuery as a JavaScript dependency, while Bootstrap 5 has removed the dependency on jQuery and replaced it with vanilla JavaScript. This makes Bootstrap 5 a more lightweight framework compared to Bootstrap 4.

  • Bootstrap 5 is smaller in size compared to Bootstrap 4, which makes it faster to load and more optimized for performance.

  • Bootstrap 5 introduces a new grid system called "CSS Grid" as an alternative to the traditional "Flexbox" grid system used in Bootstrap 4. CSS Grid provides more flexibility and advanced layout options for building complex designs.

  • Bootstrap 5 introduces new utility classes for spacing, typography, and alignment, making it easier to apply quick styles to elements without writing custom CSS.

  • Bootstrap 5 has put a stronger focus on accessibility by improving keyboard navigation, adding ARIA labels, and ensuring better color contrast for improved accessibility compliance.



Before you starting, we are assuming that you have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS . If not, then we will suggest you to go through html tutorial and css tutorial. After this tutorials you find yourself expertise in development of websites.

Why to use Bootstrap ?

  • Bootstrap is built with a mobile-first approach, which means that it provides a responsive grid system and pre-designed components that adapt to different screen sizes, making it easy to create websites that look good on any device, from desktops to smartphones and tablets.

  • Bootstrap comes with a wide range of pre-designed UI components, such as buttons, forms, navigation bars, modals, and more, which can be easily customized and used in projects without having to build them from scratch. This can save development time and effort, reducing overall costs and speeding up the development process.

  • While Bootstrap comes with a set of default styles and components, it is highly customizable to suit the specific needs of each project. Developers can easily override the default styles, create their own CSS classes, and extend the framework with custom JavaScript functionality, allowing for endless possibilities in terms of design and functionality.

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