Who is the site/app owner - Parveen Kumar What data is being collected? - Only location How is that data being collected? - We are not storing any data on server. For which purposes is the data collected? - To show local interview news and location of our office Analytics? No Email Marketing? No What third parties will have access to the information? Not sharing with any thrid party Will any third party collect data through widgets (e.g. social buttons) and integrations (e.g. facebook connect)?Nopes What rights do users have? User can block if they want Can they request to see the data you have on them, can they request to rectify, erase or block their data (under European regulations most of this is mandatory)? We are not storing any data so there is no point of erasing it. Description of process for notifying users and visitors of material changes to the privacy policy - Through App we will always notify the user about changes in privacy policy Effective date of the privacy policy. We are commtited to keep our user safe. As we are not storing user data on server. Its just a reading app.