
Html & Html5

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HTML Table

An HTML table is defined with the table tag. It is used to display data in a tabular form on a web page. Data is shown in various rows and columns as required. It uses the below tags for rows and column:-

<th> : Used to define table column headings </th>
<tr> : Defines the row.</tr>
<td> : Defines the column.</td>

Let's understand this by the following example:

<th> Firstname </th>
<th> Lastname </th>
<th> Age </th>
<td>Ranbir </td>
<td>Kapoor </td>
<td>50 </td>
<td> Ranveer</td>
<td>Singh </td>
<td>94 </td>


Add Border

There are 2 ways to add border in tables.

  1. By border attribute of table in HTML
  2. By border property in CSS

By border attribute

You can use border attribute of table tag in HTML to specify border.

Let's understand this by the following example:

<table border="1">
<th> Firstname </th>
<th> Lastname </th>
<th> Age </th>
<td>Ranbir </td>
<td>Kapoor </td>
<td>50 </td>
<td> Ranveer</td>
<td>Singh </td>
<td>94 </td>


By border property in CSS

It is now recommended to use border property of CSS to specify border in table.

Let's understand this by the following example:

<style> table,th,td {border:1 px solid black } </style>
<th> Firstname </th>
<th> Lastname </th>
<th> Age </th>
<td>Ranbir </td>
<td>Kapoor </td>
<td>50 </td>
<td> Ranveer</td>
<td>Singh </td>
<td>94 </td>


Collapse Border

If you want to collapse border,use border-collapse property:

Let's understand this by the following example:

<style> table,th,td { border:1 px solid black border-collapse:collapse; } </style>
<th> Firstname </th>
<th> Lastname </th>
<th> Age </th>
<td>Ranbir </td>
<td>Kapoor </td>
<td>50 </td>
<td> Ranveer</td>
<td>Singh </td>
<td>94 </td>


Table Caption

Caption is display above table.It provide necessary information about table.To add caption to table use caption tag.

Let's understand this by the following example:

<table> border="2" style="border-collapse:collapse"> <caption> Employer Data </caption> <tr>
<th> Firstname </th>
<th> Lastname </th>
<th> Age </th>
<td>Ranbir </td>
<td>Kapoor </td>
<td>50 </td>
<td> Ranveer</td>
<td>Singh </td>
<td>94 </td>


HTML table with rowspan

Rowspan is used to make a cell span more than one row.It can apply with rowspan attribute.

Let's understand this by the following example:

<table style="width:100%">
<th rowspan="2">Phone</th>


Name rahul
Phone 777777

HTML Table - Colspan

To make a cell span over multiple columns, use the colspan attribute:

<table style="width:100%">
<th colspan="2">Name</th>


Name Age
rahul yadav 73
Eve Jackson 57