+91 9717614047

Web Designing Curriculum

HTML CSS Course Content

Module :1 HTML Basic
 HTML Tags
 HTML Formatting Tags
 HTML Color Coding
Module2 : HTML-Grouping Using Div Span
 Div and Span Tags for Grouping
Module 3: HTML-Lists
 Unordered Lists
 Ordered Lists
 Definition list
Module 4: HTML-Images
 Image and Image Mapping
Module 5: HTML-Hyperlink
 URL - Uniform Resource Locator
 URL Encoding
Module 6: HTML-Table
Module 7: HTML-Iframe
 Attributes Using
 Iframe as the Target
Module 8: HTML-Form
Module 9: HTML-Headers
 Title
 Base
 Link
 Style
 Script
Module 10: CSS2-Introduction
 Benefits of CSS
 CSS Versions History
 CSS Syntax
 External Style Sheet using
 Multiple Style Sheets
 Value Lengths and Percentages
Module 11: CSS2-Syntax
 CSS Syntax
 single Style Sheets
 Multiple Style Sheets
 Value Lengths and Percentages Module 12: CSS2-Selectors
 ID Selectors
 Class Selectors
 Grouping Selectors
 Universal Selector
 Attribute Selectors
 CSS – Pseudo Classes Module 13: CSS2-Color Background Cursor
 background-image
 background-repeat
 background-position
 CSS Cursor
Module 14: CSS2-Text Fonts
 color
 background-color
 text-decoration
 text-align
 vertical-align
 text-indent
 text-transform
 white-space
 letter-spacing
 word-spacing
 line-height
 font-family
 font-size
 font-style
 font-variant
 font-weight
Module 15: CSS2-Lists Tables
 list-style-position
 list-style-image
 list-style
 CSS Tables
I. border
II. width & height
III. text-align
IV. vertical-align
V. padding
VI. color
Module 16: CSS2-Box Model
 Borders & Outline
 Margin & Padding
 Height and width
 CSS Dimensions

Bootstrap 1.0,4.0 Course Content

Module 1:-Introduction to Bootstrap
 What is Bootstrap Framework
 Why Bootstrap
 History of Bootstrap
 Advantages of Bootstrap Framework
 What is Responsive web page
 How to remove Responsiveness
 Major Features of Bootstrap
 What is Mobile-First Strategy
 Setting up Environment
 How to apply Bootstrap to Applications
Module 2:- Bootstrap Grid
 What is Bootstrap Grid
 How to apply Bootstrap Grid
 What is Container
 What is Offset Column
 How to Reordering Columns
 Advantages of Bootstrap Grid
 How to Display responsive Images
 How to change class properties
 How to use readymade themes
 What is Bootstrap Typography
 How to use Typography
 What is Bootstrap Tables
 What is Bootstrap Form Layout
 What is Bootstrap Button
 How display images in different styles like Circle shape etc
 How to display text like muted and warning etc
 What is Carets Classes
 How to hide or show the text in Bootstrap
Module 3:- Bootstrap Components
 What is Bootstrap Components
 Why Bootstrap Components
 Advantages of Bootstrap Components
 What are the different types of Bootstrap Components
 What is Glyphicons Component
 How to use Glyphicons Component
 What is Bootstrap Dropdown Menu Component
 What is Navbar Component
 How to build a Responsive Navbar
 How to Add Forms and other controls to Navbar
 How to Fix the position of navbar
 What is Breadcrumb Component
 What is Pagination Component
 How to apply Pagination in Application
 What is Labels / Badge Components
 What is Jumbotron / Page Header Components
 What is Thumbnail Component
 What is Alerts & Dismissible Alerts
 How to Create Progress Bar
 What is Media Objects Component
 Why Media Objects Component
 How to use Media Objects Component
 What is Bootstrap List Group Component
 What is Bootstrap Panel Component
Module 4:- Bootstrap Plug-Ins
 What is Scrollspy Plug-In
 What is Tab Plug-in
 How to use Tab Plug-in
 What is Drop Down Plug-in
 What is Tooltip Plug-in
 How to use Button Plug-in
 What are the different methods and events of Tooltip Plug-in
 What is Popover Plug-in
 What is alert and Button Plug-ins
 What is Collapse Plug-in

JavaScript and AngularJS Content

Module 1: Introduction
 Introduction to AngularJS
 MVC Architecture
 Conceptual Overview
 Setting up the Environment
 First Application
 Understanding ng attributes
Module 2: Expressions and Data Biding
 Number and String Expressions
 Object Binding and Expressions
 Working with Arrays
 Forgiving Behavior
 Understanding Data binding
Module 3: Working with Directives
 Conditional Directives
 Styles Directives
 Mouse and Keyboard Events Directives
Module 4: Controllers
 Programming Controllers & $scope object
 Adding Behavior to a Scope Object
 Passing Parameters to the Methods
 Having Array as m mb rs in Controller Scope
Module 5: Filters
 Built-In Filters
 Uppercase and Lowercase Filters
 Currency and Number Formatting Filters
 OrderBy Filter
Module 6: Forms
 Using Simple Form
 Working with Select and Options
 Input Validations
 Using CSS classes
 Form Events
 Custom Model update triggers
 Custom Validations
Module 7: Modules
 Module Loading and Dependencies
 Recommended Setup of Application
 Creation vs Retrieval
Module 8: Services
 Understanding Services
 Developing Creating Services
 Using a Service
 Injecting Dependencies in a Service
Module 9: Routing
 Introduction to SPA
 Creating HTML Templates
 Configuring Route Provider