Cloud Front Distribution for S3 bucket
Amazon CloudFront knows as a content delivery network available by AWS. CDN has worldwide distributed network proxy servers which cache content. In simple words, CloudFront speeds up your static and dynamic web content such as JSP, PHP, HTML etc. CloudFront distributes your data at the worldwide datacenters which are known as Edge locations. For Example, If your website content, images at CloudFront, and your origin location are Indian and someone is accessing your website from the USA. Then your website data content will from nearest Edge location of the USA rather than origin points of web content. This whole process decreases the time delay and increases the performance of the website.
1. First Create S3 bucket and put some files inside it or any website files. Next task is to create cloud front distribution around this bucket.
2. Go to Cloud Front distribution under Networking & Content Delivery. CFD support 2 types of protocles Web and RTMP.
3. I whould go with WEB. Next step - In origin Domain Name choose your bucket. Then after give origine path if your content inside the folder.(/folder name). If your website
is not inside any folder then leave it blank.
4. Next step is origin ID which is auto genrated. If you click on yes to Restrict Bucket Access. This identity is create for cloud front which allowed to read the content from s3 bucket. But nobody else access from s3 bucket.
clcik yes,Yes, Update Bucket Policy on Grant Read Permissions On.
5. Choose redirect HTTP and HTTPS and leave rest of setting as by defult.
7. Select your prefered Edge location.
8. AWS WAF look for spam content. In Alternate Domain Names you can pick any alternate domain name.
9. Keep index.html in Default Root Object feild.
10. After 10-15 min your cloud front distribution is ready. Go ahead and open that CFD URL.
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